One Simple Strategy to Get More Productive Now. ****

  1. First, please read about why this exercise is important here: Get More Productive Now with this One Simple Exercise.
  2. Click "Duplicate" in the top right corner, and now you can edit the page however you like here on Notion!
  3. You can also select all/copy/paste into your word processor of choice—Word, Evernote, Google Docs, anything that works for you.


Freeform write about 10 things that are on your mind right now, even if they’re completely unrelated to your projects. Remember that offloading worry can make you more productive on the important thing you’re trying to get done right now.

You don’t have to share what you’ve written with anyone—especially not me! You can choose to copy it into your journal, save it in a private file, or delete it when you’re done.


  1. That Thing Happening Tonight
    1. I’m worried about that thing that’s happening tonight after work…

  1. Thing 1
  2. Thing 2
  3. Thing 3
  4. Thing 4